CMTU May Meeting Wednesday, May 17th

CMTU May Meeting Wednesday, May 17
Residence in by Marriott Kingston
800 Frank Sottile Blvd

After a short business meeting our presentation this month will be :

Hudson Riverkeep to Screen Film on Dam Removal 
Maddie Feaster and Matt Best, from Hudson Riverkeeper, will be screening Riverkeeper’s new 22-minute film “One Dam at a Time,” about their habitat restoration efforts in the Hudson watershed. The streams and tributaries entering the Hudson River are fragmented due to thousands of obsolete, man-made dams. These barriers block critical habitat for various aquatic species and pose hazards to both the natural environment and human society. “One Dam at a Time” tells about Riverkeeper’s efforts to restore, revitalize and reconnect the Hudson’s tributaries. The film is designed to build the ‘dam removal movement’ in New York State and restore historic aquatic abundance in the Hudson Valley. After the movie, there will be a question and answer session.

Maddie Feaster is a US Coast Guard veteran, and has worked with Friends of the San Juans in Washington State and Scenic Hudson before coming to Riverkeeper as a Habitat Restoration Project Manager. She has a graduate degree in environmental policy from Pace University. When Maddie is not focusing on habitat restoration, she can be found working with horses at Warrior Ranch Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to healing horses and veterans with Post Traumatic Stress (PTS).

Matt Best has an MA in biology from SUNY Oneonta, where he wrote about the life history of the American Shad. He has worked with numerous organizations, including NOAA and the NYSDEC Hudson River Fisheries Unit. With Riverkeeper, Matthew is working on dam removals to restore habitat connectivity for these important migratory fishes within the Hudson Valley. When not working on dam removals, Matthew is an avid hiker and can be found in the Catskills, Adirondacks or White Mountains working on bagging peaks.
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