Our next chapter meeting will be held online on Wednesday, October 20th at 6:30 PM. This will be online only.
Our guest speaker will be Anita Coulton , an Orvis Endorsed Fishing Guide on the Upper Delaware with Cross Current Guide Service. Anita guides on the famed Upper Delaware and will be sharing tips and guide recommendations to up your dry fly game. She’ll also discuss guidelines for wading and navigating the river safely. Bring your questions and join us for this informative evening!
Here is a link to the meeting.
Meeting link:https://catskillmountainstu.my.webex.com/catskillmountainstu.my/j.php?MTID=m689f34c29909865dbe00efb6fbab9c8a
Password: WildEsopus (94533767 from phones and video systems)
Join by phone +1-650-479-3208 United States Toll Access code: 2632 154 9662